Camera Spike

Camera Spike


Manufacturer: Unknown
Model: Unknown
Prototype: Unknown
Production: Unknown
Country of origin: Unknown
Caliber: N/A
Fire modes: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Range: Unknown


COD Points2000 - Camera view replaces mini-map. D-pad toggles on and off.

The camera spike (or camera on tripod) is a new piece of equipment in Call of Duty: Black Ops' multiplayer mode. Once deployed, you can keep taps on a room without being there yourself. It's picture is shown as a temporarily replacement (but slightly bigger) of the mini-map in the top left hand corner. So when deployed, you will not be able to see enemy fire. After it has been deployed, you can pick it up again to relocate it. Its high likely that enemies can both destroy the camera or "deny" it like with the Tactical Insertion in Modern Warfare 2 (as the enemy player approaches the camera, without destroying it). Also, the footage shown in the MP reveal trailer  indicates that the "cold blooded" perk will return. When the enemy player walks up to the camera, the infrared camera highlights him in bright white. But when player walks towards his own camera, he is not shown in bright white. It's high likely all friendlies are shown the same way, and only enemies are shown in bright white. To counter this, just like in MW2, a "cold blooded" perk will not highlight enemy players and show them as friendlies on camera.